Lowe's Coupons, Promo Codes and Deals

Average Savings Found:

$182.06Shopping Bag
Total Offers16
Average Savings Found$182.06
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About Lowe's
    Lowe's is one of the largest hardware chains in the United States. Specializing in home improvement—for over 70 years their focus has been “improving home improvement”—by supplying professionals and beginners alike with the right tools for the job. With a helpful and knowledgeable staff, they can help you find the right, quality products, amongst their vast selection of tools, modern home decor, garden, cleaning, and party supplies. Online or in store, shoppers are saving both time and money and purchasing with confidence!
    Return Policy
      Lowe's wants their customers to be satisfied with every purchase, and if anything isn't right their team wants to hear about it. Here are some simple guidelines when returning a product: -Most items can be returned or exchanged at any Lowe’s store or shipped back with the included prepaid shipping label within 90 days. -Damaged or missing orders need to be reported within three days of the respective delivery date. -Shipping costs will not be refunded. -For more information on Lowe's returns policy, call or email a representative or refer to the information provided on their homepage.
      Free Shipping Policy
        Lowe's offers free standard shipping for rewards members on qualified items. You just need to sign into your account before the purchase! Non-rewards members can receive free shipping on qualified orders by following steps: -Select “Parcel Shipping” option for each item in the cart -Choose single valid address for delivery -(Special orders items with future delivery dates do not apply) **orders must be $49+ to avoid shipping charges**
        © 2025 PayPal, Inc.
        Like all browser extensions, Honey can read and change a limited amount of data in your browser to ensure that our product is working at its best. We read the page when you're on a shopping website so that we can find coupons for it, and the change we make is to apply coupon codes when you ask us to. We take your privacy very seriously, and you can read more about it in our privacy policy.