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Bons d'achat, codes de réduction et offres Go.Compare Car Insurance

1 904  à 4 760 
de cashback sur les achats éligibles sur Go.Compare Car Insurance.

* Récompense basée sur le sous-total des
(hors taxes et frais). Compte Honey requis. Les conditions PayPal Rewards s'appliquent.

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En savoir plus sur Go.Compare Car Insurance

Nous essayons de nous assurer que toutes les informations affichées ici et dans la section Questions/réponses sont exactes. Cependant, tous les détails, y compris les détails relatifs aux programmes, règlements, offres, remises, promotions et programmes de récompense de la boutique, sont fournis à titre indicatif uniquement, sous réserve de modifications et peuvent être inexacts ou obsolètes. Vous pouvez consulter les informations les plus récentes et tous les détails sur la boutique en ligne.

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GoCompare Honey Gold Terms and Conditions:
Please note quotes are not eligible for Honey Gold. You must go straight from the Honey website through to the GoCompare website Car insurance page, generate a BRAND-NEW QUOTE and purchase your Car insurance policy immediately. Editing or using a previously saved quote from your GoCompare account will not track. If you, or your insurer, cancel your policy before Honey Gold is deposited in your Honey account, then you will not be eligible to receive Honey Gold. Honey Gold will only be rewarded if GoCompare are able to link your purchase to the Honey website. This means you must: 1. Log into your Honey account 2. Click from Honey directly to the GoCompare website Car insurance page: and 3. Generate a brand-new quote and make your purchase immediately (meaning in the same session and without exiting your browser) When purchasing please ensure you are not using ad blockers or cookie blockers, and this will prevent the sale from being tracked and may mean you are not eligible for Honey Gold to be paid out. Using a promotional/voucher code not posted and approved by Honey. Any purchases made on the GoCompare.com website via the Honey link will be subject to the Honey Terms and Conditions https://help.joinhoney.com/category/12-honey-gold and GoCompare.com Terms and Conditions which can be found on the GoCompare.com website. If you, or your insurer, cancel your policy before Honey Gold is deposited in your Honey account, then you will not be eligible to receive Honey Gold. In the event of any queries about your Honey Gold please contact Honey Customer Support as the insurer or GoCompare will be unable to deal with this type of query.
GoCompare Honey Gold Terms and Conditions:
This programme is being monitored. Honey members transacting fraudulently with this retailer will have their membership terminated immediately and may have their details passed to the authorities for further investigation. Honey Gold may initially track at a lower rate. This will update to the correct rate upon confirmation. Honey Gold will be paid into your Honey account within 90-180 days of your policy purchase date, and once GoCompare is able to verify a qualifying purchase. Quotes that do not convert to a policy will be declined after 150 days of being generated. GoCompare Car Insurance Honey Gold can be earned simply by clicking through to the merchant and shopping as normal. GoCompare Car Insurance Honey Gold is available through Honey on genuine, tracked transactions completed immediately and wholly online. Honey Gold rates are subject to change both up and down. From time to time information displayed here may be out of date. Please see Honey's full Terms and Conditions page for further information. Recurrences on the amount of purchases that can be made while earning Honey Gold may be limited. This merchant calculates Honey Gold excluding VAT, delivery and any other charges. Transactions for this merchant should appear as pending within 24 hours. They will remain at this status until the retailer confirms that we're eligible for Honey Gold. Once this happens your purchase will reach the confirmed stage of your account. When the merchant then pays us the Honey Gold, we can make this payable in your account. The vast majority of transactions from merchants track successfully, occasionally a transaction may not get reported. If you believe this to be the case, please submit a "Missing Honey Gold" query within 30 days of the transaction, we will be unable to chase up claims older than this.